Dig through the mountain to reach the treasure. Made for Incremental Game Jam 2020 with theme "shrinking".

Update from the disastrous jam version:

- actually balanced

- progress auto save now

- new game plus with much more content

- {NEW} performance improvement, grammar and bug fixes

Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(80 total ratings)
Made withUnity
TagsIdle, Incremental


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In the itch.io app this game loads to about 90% and then just stops (for at least five minutes - not waited longer). Run from the install directory it doesn't even get to more than 0% on the loading screen... don't know what to do to get it to work (especially since it's Unity).


I have the same issue, it only runs in the browser for me.


I also only managed to get it to work in a different browser :(

(7 edits) (+3)

Naked digging challenge; don't buy the upgrade "simple clothing".  It's going to take a while, but it seems achievable.  I have reached the coal level so far, let's see how this goes!

Gold in a week and diamonds in two, the entire mountain is almost gone three weeks in. It would have been faster if I set my computer to run continuously, but I'll save speedrunning this for someone else.

146:09:51 and absurd time but challenge complete.

I just opened a tab with this game and the first word I see is "naked"
good challenge though. I wanna try this now.

How do I reset my progress?


Started digging a hole, created a soul-based economy. 10/10

I enjoyed this a lot, thank you!


This is what it feels like to find buried treasure in Minecraft without F3.


One thousand dollars. Wow.

The question is.. how did the guy that left the note bury the treasure inside the mountain?


He probably dug a hole in the mountain instead of digging up the whole mountain.


someone left him a treasure inside a mountain and this treasure was just accidentally left where he was disposing of the dirt


Ive always hated mountains anyways,

Ok after my last comment I have confirmed it. Buying back my stuff (Soil, Rocks, ETC) that I have sold in the shop eats all my money and does NOT give me back my stuff that I paid for... 


same with me bro.


atleast when i do 100% and not 1x.

(2 edits)

Hmm, so every time I rebuy all my stuff, it doesn't seem to actually give me anything back >.< I might be missing something, I just don't notice anything changing. The button turns grey, but that's it. 

EDIT: Ok, so my money goes down, I have it on 100 percent, maybe I'm just an idiot because I think I don't 'notice anything' because... I can't afford to buy a lot. So sorry. 

EDIT 2: Yeah no, I'm a little sure that it's still not doing anything at times.... except taking my money. Not sure, but it *SEEMS* like it which is a bummer. 


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so how do i get in hell? i keep getting rejected.

ngl i am kinda scared at whats gonna happen because of the comments lol

you should be you should have fun!

bruh i broke it

(1 edit) (+2)

turns outs its possible for the workshop and laboratory upgrades to end

also what do I do with 700 homeless people


oh nevermind turns out there's something for that


I'm a literal millionaire and I'm having to upgrade TO a copper shovel!? My brother in christ, go to a convenience store

Jokes aside though, love the game c: Very simple but clean UI, and interesting mechanics! The humour is always a plus too :D

Though I must say I am concerned as to why I keep finding live people in chests hundreds of miles below the surface..


Neat game 👍


wait you can't buy milk in hell.


(1 edit)

Where do you see how many tools you have?

Nevermind, I didn't realize you have to actually addpeople to the workplaces.


new game plus

1h 51m 35s

40 min)


holy reallu enjoyed this game, hope you continue to make idle games ;)


Really Nice game.

Deja Vu

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

If you click the 100% button, then go to 'sell' and click 'stones/soil', you could press ENTER to sell stones/soil you don't have, essentially giving access to infinite money.


Ok, so im on new game plus, i got every building to lvl 100 except Forbidden library (at lvl 85) and sacrificialbpit (at 43) also i can deal around 5e15 dmg and get 2e23 items with Transmission from nothingness, i got the true philosopher's stone and my qquestion is, how can i progress beyond that/beat the game?

Edit: since then i got Forbidden library to 100 and sacrificial pit to 50, i entered the gate of hell but it asks me to "try harder cuz killing a few epople wont be enough to go to hell" but i cant seem to progress further.


Nvm i got the trick and finish new game plus in 3h 29m 46s, the end wasnt that intuitive but overall this was one of the most creative idle games ive ever played! Great job.

2h 41m 22s new game+

nice game


What a fantastic game!  It was really well paced and new things would present themselves in a nice timely fashion to keep things interesting!  Fantastic work! 


Now that's a way to do a prestige system!

Bravo, dev! I had SO much fun.

who tf is buying billions of cubic meters of soil...


Believe it or not, there's a shortage in real life. The world has been running out of sand and other fill dirt for a long time now.




w     h     a     t

why not just dig out a mountain like what we are doing 


I mean, there's no sand under mountains. It's mostly granite.


i like it but why the hell would I want to buy the stuff I mined out


in case you sell too much or you just have the extra cash

826.62m,2 340 000 000 m^3

(1 edit) (-1)

good game but are there going to be any more updates



Deleted 3 years ago





How many people are in these chests scattered throughout the mountain???


how do I enter the gate to heck?


what's the limit for the core of the earth thing if any (I'm asking when the madness will stop)

I need this knowledge, I kept thinking "oh it'll be here soon" then it wasn't... even by 2 million.

(1 edit)

spoiler, your going to have to wait for a while longer, main factor is how many people you kill how fast you do once you hit like 1k homeless people. 

can't hit the 100% button that's behind the follow button, might need to move it and the 50%

(1 edit)

same w/ laboratory tab

nvm it's bc I found it in randomizer

 why do you need to kill all of your workers ?



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